Stepathlon - 12 Month Program

75 Day Race
12 month program
Most people set out on the path to a healthier and happier lifestyle with great enthusiasm, which is typically replaced with waning interest, and all too often, turns to complete resignation. But the path does not have to be arduous and filled with frustration, and here at Stepathlon, our mission is to keep people inspired and on track.
We believe that incidental movement is the cornerstone of an active lifestyle. Global health institutions, like the American Heart Association, recommend adults take a minimum of 10,000 steps per day (approx. 6.4 km per day) to improve health and decrease the risk of heart disease. The Stepping Stones program is aimed at making this target a habit.
The Stepathlon 12-month program consists of 9 scientifically tailored 'Stepping Stones', designed to help individuals reach their health goals in a simple, fun and engaging manner. The foundation of the program is the 75 Day Race, a global, mass participation corporate initiative motivating individuals towards a daily 10,000 step goal using principles of mass participation, self-quantification, gamification and gratification.
With these Stepping Stones, we intend to effect sustainable behavioural change in Stepathletes and set them on the path to a healthier and happier lifestyle that will significantly benefit their colleagues, families, communities and the world.
Once the race ends, we see a shift from team oriented engagement to a more community based approach that nurtures individual health and wellness goals. We celebrate the achievements from the 75 Day Race, and encourage our Stepathletes to set health goals for the rest of the year. These goals serve as reference points for the duration of the 12-month program, as they continue their journey to health and happiness well beyond the race.
This ‘Stepping Stone’ is dedicated to the family. Being active with our loved ones is much more than just exercise, it’s about having fun together and making memories. We encourage Stepathletes to go out for a walk, play, dance, run and be innovative in finding ways to teach their children, parents, siblings and grandparents the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit”. During this month, we ask our Stepathletes to take a step back, breathe and de-stress; whether it’s by signing up for a yoga camp, through deep breathing exercises at home or heading out to the hills, for inner peace, balance and tranquility.
The focus now shifts to the food we consume. Eating right is a key facet of the journey towards our overall wellbeing. We make our Stepathletes aware of the impact of their food choices through a combination of nutritional information, expert advice, healthy meal plans and assessments.
This is a race against the ‘virtual self’. The goal is to outperform targets set by achievements in the 75 Day Race. As the Stepathletes ‘rush’, they take part in exciting contests, and learn fun new facts.
After a high intensity month, we now let our Stepathletes take a breath and ask them to step out of their comfort zones to try something new. After all, variety is the spice of life, and we would like to encourage Stepathletes to discover fun and different ways to be active.
Stepathletes rise to the challenge of earning their spot in the Stepathlon Hall of Fame, by participating in fun mini-tasks. The participants who successfully complete 31 out of 50 available mini-challenges win bragging rights and qualify to win exciting prizes!
We begin the program with Step Prep, our warm up phase, where we prepare participants for the upcoming 75 Day Race.
For 75 days, Stepathletes compete in a race around a ‘Virtual World’. During these months, our aim is to transform the sedentary into the active, and the active into the more active. After all, ‘All Movement is Good Movement’!
This period helps our Stepathletes to reset, recharge and return to a place of healthy life balance.